Door and Window Contact Air

The Loxone Door & Window Contact Air is a wireless sensor with reed contact that responds to a magnet and enables the monitoring of doors and windows, whether they are open or closed.

Datasheet Door & Window Contact Air

Table of Contents


Place the self-adhesive magnet so that the contact activates when the window is closed. The magnet must be placed close to the green notch on the side.

When mounted to metallic surfaces, the range may be significantly reduced.


In delivery state, pairing mode will be active after inserting the battery. This is indicated by the status LED flashing red/green/orange.

Then follow the pairing procedure on the Air Interface.

To activate the pairing mode manually, hold down the pairing button for at least 5 seconds after inserting the battery. The pairing button is located on the top of the device:

Battery Replacement

Use the white button as a slider to eject the battery to the side. Then insert a new CR2032 lithium battery. Make sure that the battery is completely inserted into the device and that the button can be operated correctly.

Shortly after that, the device flashes green 3 times once the connection to the Miniserver has been successfully established.

Devices with serial number 504F94FFFE-B/C..... do not flash their LED after removing and reinserting the battery.
For such devices, after removing the battery, either press a button or wait for a minute to display the status after reinserting the battery.


Summary Description Value Range
Input 1 To use the pairing button as Input 0/1
Contact Input is active when magnet is detected (e.g. door closed) 0/1

Diagnostic Inputs

Summary Description Unit Value Range
Online Status Door and Window Contact Air Indicates whether the device can be reached by the Miniserver.
Diagnostics for Air devices
Diagnostics for Tree devices
Diagnostics for Extensions
Digital 0/1
Battery level Provides the current battery level. % 0...100
Battery low Indicates low battery, battery needs to be replaced. - 0/1


Summary Description Default Value
Monitor online status You will be notified via System Status or Could Mailer if the device is no longer available or offline.
As this device and it's functionality are critical to safety, it is not possible to disable this setting for this device.
Serial number Serial number of Air device -
Device type Air device type -

Safety Instructions

Ensure that the device is protected from water.


Datasheet Door & Window Contact Air