Energy Meter 3-Phase Tree

The Loxone Energy Meter for DIN rail mounting features MID certified bidirectional Energy metering for up to 100A. The measured values can be used for energy management, consumption data collection and much more.

Datasheet Energy Meter 3-Phase Tree

Table of Contents


The meter must be connected in accordance with the grid system at the installation site:

The neutral conductor from the grid is either routed through the meter or connected only on the input.
If necessary, the wiring direction can be changed, and the meter wired from bottom to top.

After connecting the mains lines, the covers must be placed over the mains terminal blocks, followed by connecting the Tree and 24V lines.

Note: The meter is powered via mains voltage. The +24V terminal is not connected internally but has been retained to allow for daisy-chaining the +24V line. The GND must still be connected for the proper function of the Tree interface.


For commissioning, the device must be supplied with power and a connection to the Miniserver must be possible via the Tree Interface.

Then follow the pairing procedure on the Tree Interface.

Wiring Direction

If it is necessary due to the wiring layout, the meter can also be wired from bottom to top.

In this case, the Wiring Direction setting in Loxone Config must immediately be set to “inverted” to ensure that energy is added at the correct meter readings and the power is displayed with the correct sign.
The meter readings themselves and their inputs are not interchanged.

The wiring direction setting also changes the sign of the power on the display, but not the meter readings and their arrows on the display.

Meter Function Block

After pairing the meter, the Meter Type and Type of use must be selected.

Subsequently, the meter can be dragged to the programming page. This action automatically creates the Meter Block:

The API Connector transmits meter readings and power at the following intervals:
Power: Every 5 seconds, but only on value change.
Meter readings: Every 60 seconds, but only on value change.

Alternatively, sensors can be manually inserted, and their polling cycle can be set. These are then used at the inputs of the meter block instead of the API Connector.

Single phase metering

Single phase metering is a preset that provides separate energy meter blocks for each phase. This allows for individual consumers or rooms on different phases to be separately tracked in a sub-distribution panel.
This setting can be selected after pairing the meter and is only available for the 3P4W grid system:

For the 1P3W grid system, single-phase metering can be implemented by manually adding sensors.
For the 3P3W grid system, single-phase metering is not possible in general.

Additional Sensors

The meter provides additional measurements through analog sensors that must first be added. Afterward, the desired measurement is selected:

The number of available sensors depends on the type of meter and the configured Type of use.


The display alternately shows the following values:

The wiring direction setting also changes the sign of the power on the display, but not the meter readings and their arrows on the display.

Net Metering

In the 3P4W setting, the meter operates on a net basis. This means, that the total values are formed by summing the power across all phases.

When the overall power is positive, energy is consumed, and thus added to the consumption meter reading (Mrc).
When the overall power is negative, energy is delivered, and thus added to the delivery meter reading (Mrd).

When the ratio between delivered and consumed power is equal, the total power is zero. In such moments, neither of the total meter readings increases.

This netting is also widespread among meters used by energy providers.

LED Status

Status LED Description

Everything OK, device is online.

Connection to the Miniserver is okay, but the device has not been paired.

Device cannot connect to the Miniserver via the Tree interface.

Device was selected in Loxone Config and is identifying.

Update is in progress.

No AC mains supply or
normal operation (if Status LED is switched off)

Boot Phase:


Summary Description
API Connector Intelligent API based connector.
API Commands

Diagnostic Inputs

Summary Description Unit Value Range
Online Status Energy Meter Tree Indicates whether the device can be reached by the Miniserver.
Diagnostics for Air devices
Diagnostics for Tree devices
Diagnostics for Extensions
Digital 0/1


Summary Description Default Value
Monitor online status If checked, you will be notified via System Status or the Mailer if the device is no longer available or goes offline. -
Serial number Specifies the serial number of the device.
For Extensions: Enter 'Auto' to automatically pair an extension with unknown serial number.
This can only be used if there is only one Extension of the same type.
Save into the Miniserver, in order to pair the Extension.
Afterwards the program must be loaded from the Miniserver to transfer the actual serial number of the Extension into the program.
Meter Type Choose which type of Meter Function Block you want to insert.
Meter: only one energy direction is monitored.
Meter Bidirectional: both energy directions are monitored.
Meter for Storage: for use with Batteries, bidirectional with charge Level.
Wallbox: for use with EV Charging Wallboxes.
Type of use Selection of Grid System and Single-Phase metering.
3 Single Phases and Neutral (3p4w): Provides a separate meter block for each of the three phases.
Wiring direction Sets the wiring direction of the meter. -
Switch off status LEDs If checked, the status LEDs on the device are switched off in normal operation.
In the event of a fault, the device will continue to alert you to its status LEDs.

Safety Instructions

Installation must be carried out by a qualified electrician in accordance with the applicable regulations.

This device must be mounted on a DIN rail in an electrical distribution enclosure to ensure protection against contact, water and dust.

The selection of conductor cross-sections and associated overcurrent protection devices is dictated by national and international standards and installation guidelines. This requires choosing a conductor cross-section suitable for the loads rated current, as well as considering the insulation material of the cable, method of installation, and ambient temperature.


Datasheet Energy Meter 3-Phase Tree