Honeywell Security

Requires MB-Secure Honeywell Server, or MB Secure PRO (minimum version 03.06) with IQ Control Panel (minimum version 16.05).

Additionally, a Smart Building License is required, which has to be aquired from Honeywell Security.

Support for arming and disarming, Detector groups, Macros, Doors, ...

Set up a new user with remote client type Loxone.

Save the changes to MB-Secure. Afterwards load the latest configuration from MB-Secure and export the OPIF file.

Import the latest OPIF into Config. The inputs and outputs will be automatically created.

Honeywell Security Plugin Setup

Table of Contents

Diagnostic Inputs

Summary Description Unit Value Range
Online Status Honeywell Security Indicates whether the device can be reached by the Miniserver.
Diagnostics for Air devices
Diagnostics for Tree devices
Diagnostics for Extensions
Digital 0/1


Summary Description Default Value
Address IP address or hostname and port of the MB-Secure system (e.g., -
Username Username of the MB-Secure user. Important: The user must have appropriate permissions for remote client access (e.g., via Client Type Loxone). -
Password Password for the MB-Secure user -
Monitor online status When selected, you will be notified via System Status or the Mailer if the device is no longer available or goes offline. -