Wever & Ducré Light Tree

Wever & Ducré Light Tree is one of the Loxone Tree compatible luminaires from Wever & Ducré.

Table of Contents


Please follow the manufacturer's instructions for mounting, installation, and power supply to the Luminiaire.

Connect the luminaire to the Loxone system via a Tree Interface.

For commissioning, the device must be supplied with power and a connection to the Miniserver must be possible via the Tree Interface.

Then follow the pairing procedure on the Tree Interface.


Summary Description Unit Value Range
Smart Actuator Smart Actuator for controlling lighting via compatible Lighting function blocks. % 0...100

Diagnostic Inputs

Summary Description Unit Value Range
Online Status Wever & Ducré Light Tree Indicates whether the device can be reached by the Miniserver.
Diagnostics for Air devices
Diagnostics for Tree devices
Diagnostics for Extensions
Digital 0/1


Summary Description Default Value
Monitor online status When selected, you will be notified via System Status or the Mailer if the device is no longer available or goes offline. -
Serial number Specifies the serial number of the device.
For Extensions: Enter 'Auto' to automatically pair an extension with unknown serial number.
This can only be used if there is only one Extension of the same type.
Save into the Miniserver, in order to pair the Extension.
Afterwards the program must be loaded from the Miniserver to transfer the actual serial number of the Extension into the program.
Device type Tree device type -
Actuator Type Use device with Standard Actuator(s) or Smart Actuator(s)
Smart Actuators support dynamic fade times and can only be used with the Lighting Controller.

Safety Instructions