Your smart home, your data.

Always Cloud-free, reliable and future-proof – a Loxone solution provides personal data protection.

We place importance on not collecting or repurposing our users’ data. This remains true from the very start. A Loxone solution for any smart home or commercial building is always Cloud-free and keeps your data safe. 

Smart Home mit Schutzschild
Safely storing your data

In any Loxone Smart Home, your data stays where it belongs – on your Miniserver. As the “brain” of the home, it is the central device where your data is stored and processed. This sensitive data could be your personal schedule and routines, camera pictures, alarms and more.

Privacy is where many “smart” home solutions fall short. There are many problems with Cloud-based systems that may end up compromising technology and your privacy. Think about this with cameras on door intercoms, alarm systems and more.

No need to rely on internet connection

Even without the Cloud or internet connection, a Loxone Smart Home can still take care of 50,000 tasks per year on its own.

All tasks relating to security, comfort and efficiency in the home are still taken care of automatically and reliably. No matter how much you rely on the Cloud or internet in your life otherwise. Keep in mind that there are limited functions that, of course, become unavailable without internet connection (email transmission, online weather data, push notifications).

Ein wolkenloser Himmel mit Icon Smart Home ohne Cloud

The Miniserver keeps your
personal info safe

The Loxone Miniserver distinguishes us from other manufacturers. Its registration takes place exclusively through the Miniserver itself. With other manufacturers, registration and log-in information typically handled on their side – making the log-in a central point of possible attacks. This is never an issue with Loxone.

Every building automated by Loxone is protected by both the security mechanisms of its Miniserver and by the general network security. However, this remains in the hands of the user as insecure access data will also mean insecure personal data. 

Smart Home mit Schutzschild
Safely storing your data

In any Loxone Smart Home, your data stays where it belongs – on your Miniserver. As the “brain” of the home, it is the central device where your data is stored and processed.

This is where many “smart” home solution fall short. There are many problems with Cloud-based solutions that may end up compromising technology and your privacy. Think about this with cameras on door intercoms, alarm systems and more.

Ein wolkenloser Himmel mit Icon Smart Home ohne Cloud
No need to rely on internet connection

Even without the Cloud or internet connection, a Loxone Smart Home can still take care of 50,000 tasks per year on its own.

All tasks relating to comfort and efficiency in the home are still taken care of automatically and reliably. No matter how much you rely on the Cloud or internet in your life otherwise. Keep in mind that there are limited functions that, of course, become unavailable without internet connection such as email transmission, online weather data and push notifications.

The Miniserver keeps your personal data safe

The Loxone Miniserver distinguishes us from other manufacturers. Its registration takes place exclusively through the Miniserver itself. With other manufacturers, registration and log-in information typically handled on their side – making the log-in a central point of possible attacks. This is never an issue with Loxone.

Every building automated by Loxone is protected by both the security mechanisms of its Miniserver and by the general network security. However, this remains in the hands of the user as insecure access data will also mean insecure personal data. 

Problems with Cloud-based systems


Problems with Cloud-based systems

    weather service - loxone software reagiert auf das wetter

    Dependency from
    manufacturer’s server

    If a Cloud-based system eventually terminates, then thousands of functioning installations become unusable day by day.

    A Cloud-free Loxone Smart Home is not dependent on “Loxone servers”. So existing Loxone installations always work and remain future-proof.

    caller service - automatische anrufe

    Private conversations
    become released

    Leading companies such as Amazon and Apple become guilty of it: employees listening to thousands of voice commands and then evaluating them. Even Google’s Nest devices ended up invading users’ privacy when they were unaware of microphones installed inside the devices.

    und weitere services die mit loxone software umgesetzt werden


    An obvious weakness of Cloud-based systems is the inability to work offline, or to very little extent.

    With Loxone, internet connection is not required and the system remains reliable.

    Here are some real examples of how a Cloud-based smart home failed its users:
    Das Smart Home ohne Cloud von aussen

    The Cloud-free smart home takes care of 50,000 tasks per year

    Most tasks related to security, comfort and efficiency are no problem for a Loxone Smart Home. This saves homeowners of 50,000 tasks per year and gives them back time to enjoy life. 

    The Cloud-free smart home
    takes care of 50,000 tasks per year

    Most tasks related to security, comfort and efficiency are no problem for a Loxone Smart Home. This saves homeowners of 50,000 tasks per year and gives them back time to enjoy life. 

    Offline and on guard

    working with your privacy in mind

    No Cloud, no internet, no problem in a Loxone Smart Home. The most important functions are still available offline. Only certain Online Services, such as the Weather Service, will require an internet connection. But as always, your privacy is 100% protected.

    Offline and on guard

    working with your privacy in mind

    No Cloud, no internet, no problem in a Loxone Smart Home. The most important functions are still available offline. Only certain Online Services, such as the Weather Service, will require an internet connection. But as always, your privacy is 100% protected.