Loxone Support
Get the best service in the industry right here. Find all the resources you need – explore documentation, create a support ticket, contact an expert and more.
Use our online downloads page to find helpful
resources and technical information on hardware
and software.
Technical Support
Create a Support Ticket so our team can properly assist you. For information on our return process, check out our RMA page.
Find technical details about our products in
our updated list of Product Datasheets.
Free Learning: Use Cases
Our Use Cases provide an overview of specific Loxone application solutions along with hardware needed, Config tips and samples.
Free Learning: Focus Series
Our Focus Series cover helpful topics surrounding Loxone software, technology and products. Videos are available for you to view anytime.
Training Courses
Register for our next Qualification Training as a new Loxone partner or advance your skills with Update Training as a current partner.