Public Beta
¿Te encanta probar funciones nuevas o en desarrollo del Loxone Config y la App antes de su lanzamiento? Los más apasionados de Loxone pueden probar nuestras versiones de software directamente y echarnos una mano con valiosas sugerencias de mejora.
Public Beta
¿Te encanta probar funciones nuevas o en desarrollo del Loxone Config y la App antes de su lanzamiento? Los más apasionados de Loxone pueden probar nuestras versiones de software directamente y echarnos una mano con valiosas sugerencias de mejora.
Información importante
- Las versiones Beta del software no están preparadas como una versión final. Por este motivo, no se recomienda utilizar ninguna versión Beta del software en proyectos e instalaciones de clientes.
- Algunas partes del software pueden aún no estar traducidas al español o catalán.
- El formulario a continuación está abierto para que puedas explicarnos tu experiencia probando esta versión y reenviaremos los comentarios al equipo de software de Austria. Seguramente el equipo de soporte en España no podrá dar respuesta específica a cada comentario, pero todos se valoran y agradecemos tus aportaciones.
- Por favor, para solicitud de nuevas características, no utilices este formulario, sino que puedes comentario directamente con el equipo de soporte.
- Si tienes dudas sobre cómo trabajar con diferentes versiones de Loxone Config, revisa esta página de la documentación: Instalación Loxone Config >
Loxone Config 13.2 Beta 1
Para configurar el Miniserver con la versión Beta, ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Para configurar el Miniserver con la versión Release, ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Technical Changelog Loxone Config / Miniserver
Technical Changelog Config 13.2 Beta 1:
- New function block Spot Price Optimizer
- A3D9-T904 NFC Code Touch function block validity options for NFC tags and codes
- A3D9-T905 Device Count for Modbus
- A3D9-T853 Added additional authentication configuration for the user and an text input for the access controller
- A3D9-T902 New NFC Authentication Types (Code or NFC, 2FA, NFC, Code)
- A3D9-T895 Added scroll function for info pinner
- A3D9-T886 Added comparison of inputs for status block
- Comparing text inputs with numerical operators (<, <=, >, >=) is not supported
- Conversion of Utility Meter to new block via context menu
- A3D9-T870 Info banner when client project is open
- A3D9-T575 Added excel sheet that lists power usage
- A3D9-T459 Remove confusing update message when loading from miniserver
- A3D9-T109 Project Planning is resized to screen size, if screen size is smaller than the default planning tool size
- A3D9-T266 AutoSave for project planning tool
- A3D9-T574 Automatic connection of multiple selected equal inputs
- Reset Miniserver to factory settings from context menu
- Updated used Frameworks & Compilers
- BG-I19288 Miniserver compact has wrong icon in multi edit dialog
- BG-I19231 Project Planning: Wrong ‘Under Bed’ presence sensor added for new sleeping rooms
- BG-I19314 Sauna Controller: Ready state not correctly using bench temperature and correction
- BG-I19367 Comparison function block have problems with very small differences (0.001) resulting in invalid ‘equal’ result e.g. (1.001 & 1.002)
- RN1-I767 Energy Manager: Value range not shown in tooltips
- RN1-I773 Energy Flow Monitor: Unconfigured control not shown in app
- Energy Flow Monitor: Not a favourite per default
- Audioserver system status message: Confirm does not work
- Trust: User tokens not invalidated when changing password on another trust member
- DMX Extension: DMX device search bugfix
- BG2-T259 Belimo: Sensor/Actor limitation is calculated on actual usage
- BG2-T258 Belimo: show Addressing-Error in search-dialog
- BG-I19419 Belimo: Systemmessage cannot be confirmed
- Belimo: Malfunction/Maintenance handling
- BG-I19891 IRC V1: typo in description of parameters Ths + Tcs
- BG-I18809 local hostname not resolved always correctly when multiple ip addresses were in the dns answer
- temp files were not deleted after routed network device update
- increased timeout for routed network device update
- Improved Statistic analysis for Version 2 statistics
- BG-I18809 local hostname not resolved always correctly when multiple ip addresses were in the dns answer
- BG-I18987 DMX Extension Page Clamp description cut off
- BG-I18997 Internal Airbase has no Device-Information option
- BG-I18592 Climate Control Selection Dialog reverts setting in Room Controller
- BG-I19041 Modbus RTU: automatically set stop-bits based on parity
- BG-I19025 Music Server Zone: API-connector-line drawn with offset
- BG-I18288 Gate: state change of Ic not taken into account for last driven direction
- BG-I19160 Climate Controller limC cant be set higher than limH
- BG-I18993 Starting Monitor in dialog not working
- BG-I19159 Room/Category dialog favourite checkbox cant be unchecked
- BG-I19154 corrected UX of search button in Dali learning dialog during search is running
- BG-I19277 Modbus Actors sent even if they are not used
- BG-I18199 Sequence Control Dialog: new IF-formula causes incorrect indentations
- BG-I18156 Sequence Control Dialog: «-» operator not spaced correctly
- BG-I18910 Daytimer: output Mode renamed to «Om», show liveview without digits
- BG-I19213 Connector-names cut off if room/category is too long
- Power Supply & Backup: do not lock visu for common system messages
- BG-I19333: Devicestatus: log file not shown when connected externally
- BG-I17158 Sequence Controller: finished sequence shown as active
- Miele@Home
- States not updating
- Energy consumption has no decimal places
- Old installed files not deleted when installing Loxone Config over existing installation
- BG-I19345 Invalid filter text
- BG-I19495 Setting grid: border not correctly displayed
- Monitor: Changing filter stops autoscroll
- BG-I18025 API Connector Media Controller Double Click is not recognized by the API Input
- BG-I17450 ITC AQl output calculation incorrect for cooling mode
- BG-I19412 SMTP Mailer: invalid order of header-elements when adding attachments
- BG-I6899 Analog Memory: edges caused by time-objects not handled by all connected controls
- BG-I19514 Central Controls: lock via app does not lock all assigned controls
- BG-I19524 Climate Controller: no automatic popup
- BG-I19574 DeviceStatus: no channel-check for US and IL Channels
- Switch: Activate remanence per default
- Changelog dialog not properly sized
- Converted Statistics file (e.g. Utility Meter) contains invalid timestamps due to errors in old files, causing wrong lifetime statistics
- BG-I19272 Daylight savings: Client program reported as outdated
- Modbus TCP: Some test commands not working, test commands not correctly displayed in monitor
- Reworked Tree device search
- Miniserver uses the list of devices which the Miniserver already has additionally to the active search
- Miele@Home: Added user agent to API requests
- BG-I19613 Message Boxes appear while converting energy monitor / utility meter
- Miniserver does not respond to unicast search requests
- Multi Edit dialog for IO cant be opened from program page
- Control preset cant be multiedited
- Port not set when replacing network device
- BG-I20050 Add only one connection per object (Drag&Drop)
- BG-I19957 Project Planning: Multi Extension causes a second power supply & backup
Devices & Extensions
- new Roomsensor Tree binary: activated CO2 autocalibration
- new Valve Tree binary: changes to reference drive and position drive to 0%
- IR Meter Reader Air: Reading out Elster AS1440 could result in frequently occuring system messages
- BG-I12390 Lightgroups go off during restart if actor is not on same miniserver
- BG-I18405 T5 stuck in light controllers
- BG-I19185 TW Smart actor: invalid On/Off state in LiveView
- BG-I19751 Light Controller: moods still mixed after saving new mood
- BG-I19705 Central light: with Off the selection is not observed
- BG-I18909 Lightcontroller: Moods with stored sequences cannot be triggered when changing output type
- BG-I19601 EFM: Name of node gets lost in client gateway systems
- BG-I19103 Utility Meter add value on miniserver start
- Energy Flow Monitor: Meter on Client does not send values to EFM
- RN1-I961 Energy Manager: Runtime per day and Minimum runtime wrong unit in the app
- BG-I19010 Energy Flow Monitor: Program not modified when changing setting in dialog
- BG-I19217 Energy Manager: Load which uses more power than provided not handled correctly
- BG-I19330 Audio Player: don’t use decimal places for volume parameters
- BG-I18904 Music Player: Input P always on when triggered via Player Group
- BG-I18254 Central Audio: Send Alarm,Bell for Music Server as group events
- BG-I14743 Central Audio: grouped bell off is sent if control is located on client
- BG-I17237 Central Audio: grouped event is also sent to music servers
- BG-I18965 Updating Audioserver-IP does not refresh configured-state of audio players
- BG-I18827 Audioserver system messages displayed twice in client gateway systems
Automatic Designer
- BG-I18912 Automatic designer: Operating modes not shown when defined
- BG-I18990 Automatic designer: Date-edit text cut off
- BG-I17361 Automatic designer: rules with conditions using «not equal» are executing after change via app
- BG-I19009 Automatic Scene: actions after wait conditions are not executed
- Automatic rule: Edit dialog entries have missing text
- BG-I19414 Config crash when renaming Wallbox Gen.1 after cut/paste
- BG-I19223 Config crash when saving to Miniserver
- BG-I19278 Config crash when starting simulation
- BG-I19359 Config crash in Media object dialog
- BG-I19206 Config crash when deleting Power Supply & Backup
- BG-I19192 Config crash when editing settings
- BG-I19862 Config Crash Right Click Valve Actor while Virtual Input is selected
- BG-I19279 Config crash when editing setting and then clicking a button
- BG-I18983 Loxone Config freezes when using hostnames in a gateway project
- BG-I18434 Config crash during auto configuration
- BG-I20085 Config crash after paste
- Multiplicator: Config crash when loading from Miniserver
Loxone Config 13.1 Beta 6
Para configurar el Miniserver con la versión Beta, ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Para configurar el Miniserver con la versión Release, ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Technical Changelog Loxone Config / Miniserver
Technical Changelog Config 13.1 Beta 6:
- A3D9-T896 Added new operating mode for load manager: peak load manager (Beta)
- Meter Reader IR Air:
- Some meter types can no longer be selected in new installations
- For Landis+Gyr E350/E550/E650, Itron ACE2000, Elster AS1440 and Iskra MT174 please use IEC62056-21
- For EMH 300L, EMH eHZ-I meters and Easymeter Q3C, please use SML
- For Itron CF echo II and Sontex Supercal 739, please use M-Bus
- Energy Manager: Added output MinSoc
- A3D9-T625 added search next/previous buttons and display of search result index/count to search in TechDoc and Changelog dialogs
- Loxone Icon Library
- Select an Icon for your room, category, function block, or status out of more than 500 available icons
- Import custom Icons (png, jpg)
- All existing used icons will be converted to new ones
- Custom icons will remain untouched
- Icon editor has been removed from Config
- Icons for visualised state only objects need an updated app to be properly displayed!
- Icons for the status function block need an updated app to be properly displayed!
- IR Meter Reader Air
- Added M-Bus support
- Sontex Supercal 739 and Itron CF Echo II can no longer be selected as meter types (use M-Bus instead)
- Added send interval property
- Convert Energy Monitor to separate new Meter objects via action in context menu
- BG-I18671 added initial column filtering based on selected control to monitors
- HTTP Monitor
- HTTP VirtualIn Command Recognition Edit dialog
- live testing of command recognition pattern
- only available when connected to Miniserver, otherwise the old dialog will be shown
- Reworked Devicestatus-Dialog
- A3D9-T858 Added text-to-speech input for central audio
- New Meter function blocks
- Pulse Meter (Unidirectional, Bidirectional and with Storage)
- Meter (Unidirectional, Bidirectional and with Storage)
- Calculated Meter (for loads where only the On/Off status is known)
- App does not yet fully support the blocks!
- Energy Manager Gen.2
- Variable outputs
- Simpler configuration
- Input for forced recalculation
- Output for seconds until next recalculation
- Added new EIB/KNX monitor and learning dialog
- Tunable White Feature added for Multi Extension Air and DMX Extension
- Text generator
- Create texts and trigger them by an event
- e.g. for TTS messages
- A3D9-T9 Added description of the device in object selection dialog window
- A3D9-T21 Added function to enable/disable validation system message
- New Monitors and Learn Dialogs
- Dali
- Internorm
- EnOcean
- RS232/RS485
- 1-Wire
- Link Monitor
- Modbus Monitor
- A3D9-T849 Display a tooltip when a device/item has an active systemmessage and the user hovers with the mouse at the icon of the device
- Use new Weather-Service Server for testing of new service
- Automatic Air Pairing
- On Airbase for offline devices (e.g. unpaired devices where the mac address is entered manually)
- Learn Mode starts after Ms-Reboot (5 to 10 min delay) and is executed once per hour for 2 Minutes if there are any devices to pair
- Learn Mode stops if the given Date Setting on Airbase is passed
- A3D9-T558 Added category in cover page
- A3D9-T717 Added edge detection for the threshold switch
- A3D9-T407 Added toggle input for roof window
- A3D9-T407 Added synchronisation of central gate and roof window
- BG-I17949 Project Planning: Added pwm spots to preselection
- A3D9-T232 Formula Parser: Added IF functionality
- Examples:
- IF(I1>1;1;0)
- IF(I1*I2==0;I3;I4/2)
- Examples:
- A3D9-T573 AlarmClock: Added new output for next alarm time
- New Setting for Air Touch products „ButtonBehaviour“
- Behaviour of already existing projects not changed. Newly added devices will be set to pulse behaviour.
- When On/Off is set:
- Behaviour not changed compared to previous versions
- When pulse is set:
- automatic reconnect is deactivated pressing a button for more than 1 sec will trigger a reconnect
- battery consumption reduced to a minimum, packets are not retransmitted on packet loss
- New Firmware ( for Air Touch products to support ButtonBehaviour option
- Nightlight Air
- Touch Air V1 & V2
- Touch Pure Air V1, V2 & V3
- NanoDimmer V1 & V2
- NanoIO V1 & V2
- NanoIO-US
- Touch Surface
- New Monitor windows (Air, Tree, IR & UDP)
- More will follow
- New learning dialogs for IR & UDP
- BG-I18479 + BG-I18021 Automatic Designer: Rules with wait conditions are not always executed
- BG-I18807 Audio Central: No info that Favourite input is not available in some cases
- BG-I17563 Switch: Added status for app when object is locked by constant ‚On‘
- BG-I18497 Devices which are not visible to the homeowner have no identify when selected
- BG-I18497 Identify options is called ‚optical‘ when its in reality ‚audible‘ (e.g. Touch)
- BG-I18260 Caller: Minimum repeat time of output set to 5 seconds. Existing outputs are not changed.
- BG-I18819 Duplicate serial warning
- BG-I17446 DNS resolving of ntp servers blocks dns when there is no internet available
- BG-I18447 Hour Counter: Running for the whole day displays a runtime of more than 24h
- BG-I18357 Project Planning: Product for current input missing
- BG-I18824 Json parsing not working correctly anymore
- BG-I18832 Meter: Offset not correctly handled in accumulating mode
- BG-I18639 fixed incorrect viewport size in device status dialog
- BG-I17582, BG-I18539 NFC code touch couldn’t be added to presence block
- BG-I18589 Music Server Zone: Drag from tree disabled after deleting API connector
- BG-I18526 Wallbox: Limitation mode changed via app not shown on connector „M“
- BG-I18742 Add Project as client: imported document not fully converted
- BG-I18494 Saving statistics in config does not show name
- BG-I18798 new dali learn dialog was missing in ribbon menu
- BG-I18804 some monitors/learn-dialogs didn’t stop learning on offline extensions
- Meter Reader IR Air: T0 tariff sum did never update
- Generic View settings missing in user management dialog
- BG-I18287 Miniserver loads outdated SPS file with a future timestamp instead of actual newest file
- BG-I18500 Increased size of Message box
- BG-I18276 Custom certificate: No error when trying to import encrypted private key
- BG-I18126 Slave project import: Issue with duplicated rooms and categories
- BG-I18772 Constant Light Controller: Fixed displayed output unit and type when using composite Lumitech value
- BG-I18788 Systemmessage (e.g. Battery Weakt) remains even after unpairing the device
- Double click on controls in a Multiplicator inheriting project opens the wrong dialog
- BG-I18770 Dali outputs don’t show corrected value in LiveView
- BG-I17849 EEBUS: Discovery not restarting
- BG-I18624 Inserting a new control while creating a connection reference breaks the connection referencing
- BG-I17597 Adapted connector letter of all temperature inputs to ϑ
- Trust: Not all user information transferred (first & last name, phone & email were missing)
- BG-I18782 Web Interface missing after Auto Update
- BG-I18651 Extension search: Fröling extension created without IO’s
- Miniserver HTTP Tasks not closed when not in use
- BG-I18626 Unit displayed not correctly on cover page
- Info about usage of value missing in descriptions of virtual out settings
- BG-I18668 Energy Manager Gen.2 Invalid unit for Soc
- BG-I18622 Room Comfort Sensor Air: Drag and drop on controls creates invalid references
- BG-I18594 Api Commands: Display command for certain controls does not respect selected controls
- BG-I18564 Radio Buttons: Allow modes to start with a number
- BG-I18557 Config allows parameters to be set to more than 3 decimal places
- BG-I18555 Config reports a file as invalid even if its valid
- BG-I18489 KNX Actor/Sensor cant be inserted when reference is selected
- BG-I18488 Invalid selection and page tab is colored after inserting object
- BG-I18543 Loxone Music Server has option for optical identify
- BG-I18456 Virtual HTTP input: Saving template does not save unit
- BG-I18722 Energy Monitor Conversion: Does not check if Miniserver is on the same version as Loxone Config
- BG-I18685 Energy Manager Gen.2: Sorting in dialog allowed
- BG-I18132 Property window: Password strength display overlaps with text
- BG-I18085 Access controller: Link to Extension can be transferred to another Miniserver via Copy & Paste
- BG-I18157 Objects not selectable/movable during liveview
- BG-I18230 Document Tree: Tooltip flickers when mouse is left of the text
- BG-I17918 Hide ‚More information‘ button in property window for objects where there is no more information
- BG-I18229 1-Wire device counted as tree device on Tree to Air Bridge
- BG-I18149 Audioserver: Invalid stereo outputs used for cover page
- Colour of state only objects gets lost after saving project
- BG-I18783 Config crash when editing icons
- Icons: Wrong electricity-outlet mapped to new icons
- BG-I14047, BG-I12604, BG-I17412 Presence Sensor Air bugfix: Motion OFF is not transmitted correctly in some situations
- BG-I18711 Air Monitor: Invalid characters for DC-powered devices
- BG-I18630 Devicestatus: default number of 1 hop
- BG-I18528 Devicestatus: Dali-Devices shown as offline
- BG-I18730 Devicestatus: Version for Mediaserver not displayed
- BG-I18598 Tracker: invalid value range in settings
- BG-I18294 empty extra options in configurable object dialog
- Energy Monitor Conversion:
- No error when function block is not found on the Miniserver
- Conversion fails when statistics where never enabled for energy monitor
- BG-I18407 Text Generator: Reset output text on falling edge
- Adapted connector letters of IR Meter Reader to new function blocks
- Meters: Adapted per default visible inputs
- DMX Monitor: Support for tunable white
- Removed Log Window from Config
- Moved Test Command informations from Log window to Monitors
- Meters: Day change not properly detected
- BG-I18745 Music Player: Alarm-Inputs should not be affected by Input DisPc
- Energy Manager Gen.2: Added statistics for Energy Storage Level (needed for App)
- Miniserver reboot when requesting statistic info
- BG-I18150 selected remote control in IR learning dialog is taken over for subsequent incoming key learning data
- BG-I18137 monitor tabs were incorrectly activated in some rare constellations
- BG-I18393 mnemonics in insert function block submenu descriptions were rendered incorrectly
- DMX Extension device search bugfix
- DMX Tunable White improvements added tunable white + individual channels
- BG-I18009 1-wire search on MultiExtension Air
- BG-I18612 tree monitor data was not correctly saved to file
- BG-I18367 added ‚jump to device‘ action to monitor context menu
- BG-I16375 Miniserver 2: DI7 not reliable with 12V when DI3 is high
- Tree Monitor: Error not shown with red background
- Meter objects: Initial Meter Reading is added to today’s/month/year reading
- BG-I18078 1-wire extension did not show switchboard property settings in some situations
- BG-I18234 added missing languages to change language notification dialog
- BG-I18502 Documentation: Range missing for combined IOs
- BG-I18531 Duplicated device test command button
- BG-I18411 Quicksearch: Can’t add Audioserver or Intercom
- BG-I18301 Trust user access codes can be edited via double click
- BG-I18325 DMX Monitor: Does not show actual DMX value, instead percent are shown
- BG-I17817 Miele@Home: Device without fabrication number not shown in device search
- BG-I18565 Loading from Miniserver warning message box always appears after installing new version
- BG-I18180 Auto Configuration: Removed unnecessary edge detection from frost protection logic
- BG-I18315 floating and tabbed monitor did not show the same data when loading monitor file
- Devicestatus: fixed column resize, onlinestatus of onewire
- BG-I18382 Brightness Input on Weather Station does not auto connect to Br input on Lighting Controller
- BG-I18323 Presence: „number of entries“ tooltip changes to incorrect value
- BG-I18282 Multiple API-Connectors created during drag/drop
- BG-I18274 Show warning before deleting Audioserver
- BG-I16718 Document Tree: Draw red info-bubble for elements with missing settings
- BG-I18424, BG-I18290 fixed encoding issue of texts with special characters when they need to be ellided on the drawn function block
- BG-I18321 various fixes and small enhancements to NFC learn dialog
- A3D9-T21 Display monitor validation option only when needed
- Energy Manager Gen.2: Offset not handled correctly (inverted)
- Utility Meter is now hidden please use new Meter function blocks instead
- BG-I17551 Audioserver: visual identify not working correctly
- TreeMonitor: Digital state displayed inverted
- AirHost (AirBase, MiniserverGo,…) crashes: New Firmware for AirHosts Version
- WindowhandleV2: new firmware (Version add recovery on communication loss
- BG-I17863 SMTPS mailer not working
- BG-I18226 T5 inputs get stuck in LiveView
- BG-I16590 KNX Gateway: invalid telegrams tunnelled
- BG-I14614 NFC Code Touch: Assigning different NFC Code Touch version makes graphical bug
- BG-I17971 KNX/EIB: actuator sends once 0 after reboot
- BG-I18182 & BG-I18183: Weather Server not properly created in new projects
- A3D9-T407 fixed error in synchronisation for shades
- Improve drawing of additional names next to output abbreviations
- Window does not auto connect outputs
- Window Central: Dialog does not automatically open after inserting control
- BG-I18055 Extension Learning: Program still identical after learning
- BG-I17778 API Command generator: GETOUTPUT correct output is not selected when opening dialogBG-I17782 MENU Api Command: Selected value toggles between zero and defined start value when there is no value:text pair defined for the start value
- BG-I17741 Radio Button 16: Menu API command skips OFF
- BG-I17773 No room next to 1-Wire devices in document tree
- BG-I17793 Abbreviations not renamed in auto configuration todos
- BG-I18019 Invalid characters in configuration ID produce wrong error message
- BG-I17930 Random number generator: Minimum can be set above Maximum and vice versa
- BG-I17999 DMX Extension has invalid icon
- BG-I18027 Invalid currency symbol in new czech projects
- BG-I17979 State: Abbreviations not renamed in dialog
- BG-I17932 Disabling HTTPS on Miniserver does not remove all information for app connection
- BG-I18023 First activate of Default Alarm Clock entry resets alarm time to 00:00
- BG-I18076 Property Window: Disabled ComboBoxes have a drop down arrow
- Columns in object selection dialog (Alarm,…) can’t be resized
- BG-I17994 Configuring Miniserver: Customer address not transferred to Miniserver
- BG-I18070 Invalid plural for ‚Days‘ in czech language when using <v.t> as format specifier
- BG-I17758 HVAC: Mode cant be changed with API command
- BG-I17755 T5 input edges lost when triggered in LiveView
- BG-I17981 Monitor window buttons cutoff directly after Config start
- Invalid Link displayed in expert mode for ‚Use‘ setting
- BG-I18020 Property window disabled while touch flex dialog is opened
- BG-I17805 Config cant automatically establish an external connection when internal address is a hostname
- BG-I17561 Project Planning: Tree usage not calculated correctly when planning an intercommunication branch
- SD Format: Wrong error message displayed, formatting not possible
- Froeling Extension cant be properly created
- Setting Edit dialog support Links
- BG-I17711 Schueco IO documentation missing
- Names of Connection flags invalid
- BG-I17537 Permission Management: Visualisation setting unnecessary for some controls
- BG-I17455 No error message when trying to format a too small SD card
- BG-I17655 Backup: Data of addons not included
- BG-I16676 Config connection gets lost when using a Client Gateway Program where clients are not available
- MS Go & MS Compact: Fixed possible race condition in clock switching (Air)
- Possible overflows of internal timers after 25/50 days due to too small data types (May have caused some unexpected issues in all areas of the Miniserver)
- Alarm Clock: Output of the next alarm within a year
- Tree to Air Bridge is missing encryption key settings
- BG-I17939 Simulation or other timer related features not working in some cases
- BG-I17665 Audioserver: Can add too many merged stereo outputs
- BG-I17731 Modbus TCP: reboot when sending test-command while device is offline
- BG-I17788 Roof Window Shade: automatic isn’t enabled when Sps gets active before sunshine
- BG-I17789 Roof Window Shade: output WDS is not updated in liveview
- BG-I17474 invalid description in Lightcontroller dialog
- BG-I17543 Random number generator
- not properly initialised
- Maximum value is generated very rarely
- BG-I17517 Wrong texts in tooltips of quick access bar items
- BG-I17565 Connection references: Invalid short IO names displayed when connection to IO
- Generic Table:
- BG-I17636 Improved performance when filtered (e.g. Monitor)
- Selected rows not correct when table is filtered
- Remove filter items for columns where its not necessary but still allow sorting of column
- BG-I17500 Aquastar: Adapted default correction of analog inputs
- BG-I17300 PoolController: Operating mode change does not directly affect the current active scheduled entry
- BG-I17748 Gateway/Client: Language of clients not changed when saving to Miniserver
- BG-I17734 Tree to Air Bridge: Learning not possible
- BG-I17715 Generic Table: Multi Edit Line not always sorted to the top
- BG-I17745 Default password warning also displayed for trust user
- Touch Pure Flex
- ME1-I169 Config ID with a trailing or leading space leads to an error
- ME1-I170 Icons are in simulation view not properly displayed due to small window
- BG-I17740 Cant connect output to API output via connection window
- BG-I17621 Can’t make multiple connections to API output
- BG-I17619 Connecting API output to normal input not working
- BG-I17587 Non working link displayed in setting description
- BG-I17574 DI Extension active inputs not green anymore in liveview
- BG-I17509 Digital RS485/232 inputs are created with wrong display type
- BG-I17628 Ghost input on Miniserver reboot from devices where button behaviour is set to pulse
- BG-I17729 Buttons in simulation missing
- NFC Code Touch
- BG-I17897 Hardware version not updated if learned manually
- BG-I15232 Dialog doesn’t update output names when opened
- BG-I15045 Known denied user not shown in log
- BG-I12174 Wrong access feedback in big trust installations
- Modbus Server: 64bit signed integer handled incorrectly
- Led Stati (expect Identify) for Touch Air and Touch Pure air only available in the first 10 minutes after a power on reset
- Delay Startup data for Touch Nightlight to avoid air channel overloading
- Generic Table: Invalid sorting in some dialogs (e.g. Touch Pure Flex, Load Manager,…)
- Saved Air & Tree Monitor cant be loaded
- BG-I17656 Touch Pure Flex: Calculation for text display duration not exact
- BG-I17586 LiveView has hidden buttons for controlling of outputs even when manual value change is not enabled
- BG-I17535 Auto Configuration: Tunable white actors in the same room are converted to smart actor
- BG-I17552 MS Compact: App cannot connect to Audio Player initially
- BG-I17566 Intercommunication outputs are sent even when they are not used
- BG-I16156 Client weather activation status overrides gateway status after some time, making it impossible to create automatic rule in the app with weather
- Touch Pure Flex Tree:
- New firmware for Tree version, Main improvements:
- ME1-I162 Display ticker is interrupted in the middle of text
- Avoid display ghosting
- New touch IC firmware
- Improved time synchronisation
Devices & Extensions
- BG-I18451 System Temperature bugfix for Smart Socket Air, Shading Actuator Air, Nano Relay Air US, Nano IO Air NFC
- Air communication problem (new Firmware for Airbase V2, MsGo V2, Tree2AirBridge, MsCompact, Roomsensor V2, Touch Air V2, RGBW Dimmer Air V2)
- BG-I18005 Multi Extension Air: Fixed visual identification
- BG-I16362 Multi Extension Air: Fixed frequency counter
- New Firmware for NanoIo Touch V2, NanoDimmer Touch V2, CapTouch V2 ( fixed I2C problem
- New binary for touch pure flex tree: fixed touch update sporadically not working
- Dali Extension
- BG-I17121 DALI standard actuator is not working
- Removed RGBWAF assigned colour functionality (deprecated according to standard)
- Touch Pure Flex
- ME1-I163 Date does not run completely on the display (New Firmware:
- BG-I17229 Erratic system temperature on Nano2RelayTree
- BG-I17466 & BG-I17411 New Firmware for WindowHandle Air V2 (Version: multiple software resets and no status update after reconnect
- Recovery problem on Air V3
- Air Actors stopped working
- New binaries for Touch Pure Air: fixed device getting unresponsive in rare cases
- New Firmware for Touch Air, Touch Pure Air and Nano Air with Touch (Version
- fixed problem on Air Learning,
- fixed temperature and humidity sending
- BG-I18510 Unsafe password of trust user can be edited
- BG-I18416 Trust iButton serial not correctly transferred
- BG-I17654 Trust Login fails after user name is changed on source Miniserver
- BG-I18556 Intelligent Room Controller: Operating Mode Heating/Cooling Period not supported
- BG-I18365 Intelligent Temperature Controller: missing text for API-Connector
- BG-I18297: Mixing Valve Controller: error output description
Project Planning
- BG-I18455 Inputs/Outputs of Air & Tree devices are not assigned the set name & category
- BG-I17569 10A relays instead of 5A relays
- BG-I17609 Added shading and valve adapters
Intelligent Roomcontroller
- BG-I17571 No scrollbars for selecting energy sources
- BG-I17642 IRC: Cooling output disabled when temperature goes above heat protection
- BG-I17667 IRC: Error output not reset when error is resolved (e.g. heat protection)
- BG-I17417 HVAC Controller does not react to requests from a room controller in the room ‚do not use‘
- BG-I18209 Shading Controls: invalid value range for parameter Spi
- BG-I18111 Automatic Shading: Direction Tolerance not calculated correctly for second shading period of north-aligned windows
Light Controller
- BG-I18517 Mood change overridden by presence if Br < Brt
- BG-I18335 Tunable white with the input LC1 isn’t working
- BG-I18519 Mode change not registered for tunable white
- BG-I17945 Dialog: fixed flickering when changing sequence-brightness
- BG-I17739 Dialog: header text for light-circuits cut off
- BG-I18312 + BG-I18306 Sequence interval not constant
- BG-I18470 Description of + column is not up to date
- BG-I17620 Audio Player favourite API commands only work with texts when there is a Touch Pure Flex in the project
- BG-I17390 Stereo Extension not set to offline when Audioserver goes offline
- BG-I17552 MS Compact: App cannot connect to Audio Player initially
Auto configuration
- BG-I18386 Central shading not a favourite
- BG-I18311 Config crash when renaming Miniserver
- Miniserver reboot when converting energy monitor due to invalid statistic file
- BG-I18684 Config crash when selecting wallbox sensor/actor caption
- BG-I18779 & BG-I18506 Config crash after click in property window
- BG-I18805 Config crash when opening template project dialog
- BG-I18177 Config crash when connecting geiger-api-actor onto existing control
- BG-I18573 Config crash when browsing permissions of control
- BG-I18582 Crash when trying to select device tag for assignment in NFC learn dialog
- BG-I14818 Miniserver Crash on sending to invalid air device
- BG-I17893 Config crash when saving to Miniserver
- BG-I17820 Config Crash after Dali Search on MS Compact
- BG-I17944 Config crash during Tree search
- BG-I18162 Config crash when changing light group memberships
- BG-I18134 Config crash when aborting drag and drop of api connector
- BG-I18159 Config crash in permission management dialog
- BG-I17454 Config crash when creating automatic rule in hungarian
Loxone App 12.2.10 Beta 3
- Connection: Stuck in connection attempt when no TLS is possible locally & remote unavailable
- Desktop Apps: BG-I17200: SystemStart was not handled correctly
- Desktop Apps: Selected Presence Control not saved properly
- Audio Zone: BG-I16944: items inside local playlist not playable when opened via search
- QuickActions: BG-I17076: Couldn’t send QuickAction if FaceID or TouchID was enabled
- Audio Zone: Spotify Liked songs not playable with play/shuffle buttons
- Audio Zone: Spotify liked songs not properly responding to account changes, old user shown.
- Audio Zone: Removed account switcher from screens that are not account-dependent (e.g. spotify lists in history/favourites)
- Audio Zone: Playlists played from overview-screens (playlists/start) did not mind the shuffle flag
- Audio Zone: BG-I17179: Spotify overview remained empty when app was brought back from background
- LightV2: Added Support for Daylight settings
- LightV2: Added Support for TuneAbleWhite
- iOS: Fixed black screen after installing the app
- General: Audio Zone List headers occasionally not updated.
Technical Changelog Loxone Apps
Technical Changelog App 12.2.10 Beta 3 (2022.06.23):
- Connection: Stuck in connection attempt when no TLS is possible locally & remote unavailable
- Desktop Apps: BG-I17200: SystemStart was not handled correctly
- Desktop Apps: Selected Presence Control not saved properly
- Audio Zone: BG-I16944: items inside local playlist not playable when opened via search
- QuickActions: BG-I17076: Couldn’t send QuickAction if FaceID or TouchID was enabled
- Audio Zone: Spotify Liked songs not playable with play/shuffle buttons
- Audio Zone: Spotify liked songs not properly responding to account changes, old user shown.
- Audio Zone: Removed account switcher from screens that are not account-dependent (e.g. spotify lists in history/favourites)
- Audio Zone: Playlists played from overview-screens (playlists/start) did not mind the shuffle flag
- Audio Zone: BG-I17179: Spotify overview remained empty when app was brought back from background
- LightV2: Added Support for Daylight settings
- LightV2: Added Support for TuneAbleWhite
- iOS: Fixed black screen after installing the app
- General: Audio Zone List headers occasionally not updated.
Para configurar el Audioserver con la versión Beta, ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Una vez que se valide el comando, podrás realizar las actualizaciones a través de la interfaz web del Audioserver.
Si tu Audioserver ya está ejecutando una versión Beta, podrás iniciar actualizaciones futuras desde la App de Loxone.
Actualización offline:
Si no tienes una conexión a Internet activa para tu Audioserver, puedes importar el archivo UDP compartiendo la red. En Windows, puedes acceder a esta estructura de carpetas pegando la dirección IP o el nombre de host en la barra del explorador de Windows, usando el siguiente formato:
\\IP-Audioserver o \\hostname
Copia ahora el archivo en la carpeta ‘Actualizaciones’ y la actualización se instalará automáticamente. El Audioserver se reiniciará y ejecutará la versión Beta.
Para volver a configurar su Audioserver a la versión de lanzamiento (o versión Release), simplemente ejecuta el siguiente comando:
Technical Changelog Loxone Audioserver
Technical Changelog Loxone Audioserver Beta
- Spotify Connect integration (all Audioserver players are visible and controllable by Spotify app),
which causes a few changes to previous known Spotify handling, using Connect standards: - the visible queue is limited to a maximum of 5 songs (2 previous, current, 2 next)
- the queue isn’t editable in any way out of the Loxone App. You can edit the queue in spotify App, changes will reflect shortly
- The commands ‘play as next item or add to the queue’ from within Loxone app will disappear in future app versions and therefore are not implemented.
- The shuffle command within Loxone app Queue window does not reflect the current state, therefore it is not possible to switch shuffle off.
- Dynamic Grouping (fixed groups and single player grouping on the fly via App) *
- Added Spotify Podcasts *
- Added possibility to copy/paste Spotify playlist urls into the search box for playlist sharing *
- Allow search for episodes and shows in Spotify *
- Showing Spotify collections *
- Webadmin Interface: possibility to access admin interface of Audioserver via Miniserver proxy to have access on it when connecting externally **
- Spotify: show the user’s collection (Songs that get tagged with the green heart within Spotify App) *
* Needs actual App beta Version (>= 2022.06.19 )
** Needs actual App beta Version (>= 2022.06.19 ) and Miniserver beta Version (Config 12.4 Beta 5)
Bug Reports
- AUDIO1-I2623 Qa fix when switching sources
- AUDIO1-I2581 fix: roomfav/play with volume behind
- AUDIO1-T763 add confirmation dialog for factory reset via Admin Interface
- BG-I15970 Linein Statusupdates other peers interpreted as own linein therefore overwritten their config
- BG-I15802 sort output of getroomfavs to reflect slot ordering, deduplicate roomfavchanged_events
- BG-I15994 play Linein while in event
- BG-I15983 Linein Event did not evaluate Mute/Power or each Player
- BG-I15987 Library Play when currently spotify is playing
- BG-I15995 linein stopped but other AS is requesting stream
- BG-I16094 Spotify Resume Context at position fixed (allow higher difts)
- BG-I16080 Spotify click in queue entry may not trigger an action
- BG-I16094 Spotify play on fixed group 2 AS did not resume but start another track
- BG-I16093 Spotify playurl command
- BG-I15996 EQ Settings not taken over via «copy EQ to Player N»
- BG-I16242 When issuing Rtd trigger, Spotify did not recover as expected
- BG-I16242 When issuing Rtd, Spotify should not start playing if it is on the first roomfavorite slot
- BG-I16228 Linein as roomfav stops playing if clicking same roomfav more than once
- BG-I16275 Volume change on Airplay Device causes wrong metadata
- BG-I16294 avoid Qa flicker on transition to Spotify
- BG-I16286 Spotify to Airplay Transitions causing wrong Metadata displayed
- BG-I16282 volume change
- BG-I16294 Linein gapless Qa
- BG-I15639 AirPlay Coverurl not synchronised
- BG-I16208 add browsable Library folder into local playlist does not work when adding from search results
- BG-I16624 mute when trigger Next input while radio is selected
- BG-I16042 Volume Control & Mute state after changing output type on extension
- fix: Spotify ratelimit messages do appear too often. Coupled with playback failed Error
- fix: Spotify stop playback if underlying account was deleted (BG-I17020)
- fix: Spotify playstates when transferring from/to spotify connect within a group (BG-I17033)
- fix: Spotify Player reverts to default volume when currently playing Spotify and play was triggered again via grouped play (Group Play, Central block) (BG-I17032)
- fix: Spotify health check is stopping music when lwsd restarts (due crash, … )
- fix: DynamicGroups double delete player group can cause crash if second command is seen as a create, fix: remove mute state from connect to sink as volume would also been sent too
- fix: DynamicGroups ungrouping while library was playing now correctly sets new source for players (BG-I17037)
- fix: Playback transition from/to linein can cause a stalled playback
- fix: Playback sink handle source changes always before volume changes & source change do not set pipeline to playing
- fix: Playback Event sound cropped
- fix: Playback sink does not recover from linein correctly causing the sink to struggle
- fix: Admin-Interface is not accessible to non-Admin Accounts anymore
- fix: resettodefault does not pause the player correctly (BG-I17106)
- fix: handle flac if it is tagged as octet-stream too
- fix: Airplay queue not showing correct metadata
- fix: Spotify playurl/serviceplay command select correct user
- fix: Spotify saving a user’s collection content into a playlist
- fix channel sorting issue when electing the first possible Airplay Sink
- fix erroneous behaviour if tunein responds with «not a valid station»
- Fix Techreport Dialog not showing anymore
- fix Ledstates changed when Extension is not used in config (orange blink, not green)
- fix race condition when changing source medium could cause players showing play but no audio output
- fix when grouping players on Extensions together, the first play command may not cause audio output. Subsequent play worked.
- fix tunein playback of some podcasts causing a memory leak
- fix restore spotify queue, index and position to survive a reboot
- fix error notification when spotify was started on another device
- fix for internetless installations where not accurate time information (ntp) is present
- fix volume issue if output was splitted after once learned in as stereo zone
- fix repeat state out of sync
- fix issue with password authenticated NAS folders not correctly mounted
- fix reorder roomfavs taking much time to complete
- fix tts & bell event when spotify was playing
- fix spotify muted when linein was played before
- fix deadlock with many tts events parallel
- fix updating roomfavs when linein name/icon was changed
- fix linein tuning (more stability against cpu peaks)
- fix Spotify states after AS Reboots (mostly consistency problems fixed)
- fix flickering of Audioevents if linein was played before spotify
- fix remove hearable audio glitch when switching between source types
- fix add / remove Spotify accounts at runtime
- fix delete Spotify User on Stacked Servers
- fix wrong event id on resolving stream errors within App causing some errors not resolveable
- fix roomfav plus to Spotify after erroneous tunein stream
- fix issue spotify not playable on Players with multiple sinks where first sink is on tree device
- add Resolve Patch for network handling:
some routers can not proceed with ‘A’ and ‘AAAA’ queries originating on the same UDP Socket Pair, use independent pairs - fix group sync source not working correctly
- fix In some fixed group setups across Audioservers the audio output did not work as expected
- fix Stream Errors reported did not have action buttons even if logged in as admin
- fix AirPlay not playing on Audioserver Downmix Channel 4
- fix wrong Source assignments causing wrong Metadata display
- fix reducing duplicate events to App
- fix NAS Guest Mode detection failed for some setups
- fix When connecting to multiple Players with AirPlay and then pause a single player from Loxone, all Players will stop (due to Apple restrictions). Mute state fixed to reflect the correct state.
- fix crash with TTS Event while Teardown (race condition)
- fix allow nested m3u files from tunein
- fix linein pause / play behaviour fixed
- fix artist / album for getservicefolder track
- fix linein distortion when lwsd restarts while paused in linein mode
- fix remove cached tts files once the directory is >= 100MB
- fix Radio Streams losing some packets when starting to stream (podcasts vs. radio station streams)