Touch Pure Flex Controller

Controls the brightness levels of Touch Pure Flex Air and Tree.

Setpoint for display brightness is calculated based on Presence (P) and whether the room is illuminated by daylight or artificial lighting (L).

A room is considered dark if neither daylight nor artificial lighting (L) is active. Artificial lighting (L) is prioritized over daylight when calculating the Setpoint (SP).

Daylight is considered active when the current room brightness exceeds the Brightness threshold (Brt), and no artificial lights (L) are on.

When the API output is connected to the Lighting Controller, it provides the values for artificial lighting (L), Room brightness (Br) and Brightness threshold (Brt), muting the inputs of the Touch Pure Flex Controller.

The default values of Setpoint parameters are configured based on the room type when the control is inserted.

Table des matières


Abréviation Résumé Description Unité Valeurs
P Presence Presence is active. - 0/1
DnD Do not Disturb Display stays off when the device is idle. - 0/1
LbT Light by Touch When active, the first touch activates the display but does not execute the command. - 0/1
L Lighting active The room is illuminated by artificial lighting. This input is muted when a Lighting Controller is connected via the API output. - 0/1
Br Room brightness Current room brightness. This input is muted when a Lighting Controller is connected via the API output. lux
SP Setpoint Individual display brightness. The value will remain active until changes in presence, room brightness or artificial lighting are detected. %


Abréviation Résumé Description Unité Valeurs
SP Setpoint Display brightness for connected devices. -
P Presence Presence is active. - 0/1
L Lighting Active Lighting is active. - 0/1
Dl Daylight Active Daylight is active when room brightness is above the threshold. - 0/1
Br Room brightness Current room brightness. lux
AC API Connector Connecteur intélligent basé sur l'API.
API Commands
- -


Abréviation Résumé Description Unité Valeurs Valeur défaut
SPD1 Setpoint Dark and Presence Display brightness for rooms with presence, without daylight or artificial lighting. % 0...100 30
SPD2 Setpoint Dark, no Presence Display brightness for rooms without presence, without daylight or artificial lighting. % 0...100 0
SPL1 Setpoint Lighting and Presence Display brightness for rooms with presence and artificial lighting. % 0...100 50
SPL2 Setpoint Lighting, no Presence Display brightness for rooms without presence, but with artificial lighting. % 0...100 0
SPDl1 Setpoint Daylight and Presence Display brightness for rooms with presence, illuminated by daylight. % 0...100 80
SPDl2 Setpoint Daylight, no Presence Display brightness for rooms without presence, illuminated by daylight. % 0...100 0
Brt Brightness threshold If the room brightness exceeds the maximum value, the daylight settings are activated. This parameter is muted when a Lighting Controller is connected via the API output. lux 0...∞ 30

Touch Pure Flex Controller Integration in Lighting Controller

If a Lighting Controller is connected via the API output, the inputs (L), (Br) and the parameter (Brt) of the Touch Pure Flex Controller are muted.

Dark, Lighting or Daylight

Timing Diagram

When the brightness is set to 0% through a block parameter and the input (LbT) is active, the brightness defined in the device properties will be used when the display is touched.