New: Config 14 – exceptional performance & stability
Reading Time
3 minutes
28. March 2023
The brand new Loxone Config 14 includes more performance and stability updates than any Config ever before! The Loxone SEALs are largely responsible for this. Find out what this elite team is all about and what you can expect from the new Config Version 14 in our video.
Bug-fixes: In the current version, more than 650 bugs have been found fixed.
Bessere Performance: The Config starts 50% faster, a document opens up to 60% faster and blocks and devices can now be inserted 80% faster.
Update Dialog: The update dialog can now be minimized. This allows you to continue working on the configuration during an update.
Verbesserte Inbetriebnahme: Whether Tree, Belimo or DALI – we have simplified the commissioning process in many places. For example, with the LED Spots Tree you can now immediately see whether there is a wiring error, without the Config.
Release Spotpreis-Optimierer: This feature saves you money. With version 14, the function block is no longer in beta status, but is an official part of the release.
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