New: Config & App
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4 minutes
27. September 2023
We kick off Loxone Oktoberfest with the launch of the latest version of our free Loxone Config & App - - including innovative new features that many users have certainly been waiting for.
Highlights of Config & App
Modbus High-Performance Inputs
Matching energy supply to demand at lighting speed is crucial for efficient energy management. This is why the new Config update enables setting a minimum polling cycle of up to 0.1 seconds for 2 Modbus inputs per unit. The minimum polling cycle has also been reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second for all other Modbus sensors.
Control History
Control History helps with tracing activity by automatically documenting the reason for every action on the Lighting Controller, Automated Blinds, and Intelligent Room Controller blocks.
Trust Link
Switching between Miniservers connected by Trust is even more convenient with the new Config update, as re-entering the password is no longer required.
Health Check
The new function combines Tree, Air and Link diagnostics to ensure even more efficiency when planning, installing, and troubleshooting projects.
… and many more new features
Matter integration, additional fields in User Management, etc…
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