Photovoltaik: Make the Most of Your Energy, Don’t Waste It!

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5 minutes
20. Juni 2024

The adjustment of solar feed-in tariffs at the beginning of 2024 reflects a significant market stabilization. This development presents new challenges for operators but also opens up opportunities for efficient energy management.

Buildings worldwide account for 44% of energy consumption. With comprehensive energy management, this consumption could be halved.

Recent Changes in Solar Feed-In Tariffs

In early 2024, Austria adjusted and reduced the feed-in tariffs for solar energy. Germany has had lower prices for a while now. After the big solar boom, the energy market is stabilizing, which is reflected in the feed-in tariffs.

For the first quarter, Austria set the market price at 9.63 cents per kilowatt-hour, with expectations that tariffs will vary between 9.63 and 5.78 cents. Last year, the price was three times higher at 26.86 cents!

OeMAG, the agency that buys electricity at market prices, also recently lowered its tariffs. According to their formula, electricity fed into the grid in January is compensated at 8.137 cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

Sinkende Preise für PV Einspeisung

By intelligently controlling the flow of energy, we optimize the use of self-generated electricity and minimize the need to buy expensive power from the grid. Combined with a variable electricity tariff, this opens up many exciting possibilities.

Andreas Falkinger

Product Marketing Energy, Loxone

Feeding Electricity into the Grid is Less Attractive – How Energy Management Saves Money

An average household of four uses between 4,000 – 5,100 kWh per year, depending on whether electric heating is used. Typically, a solar installation provides about 20-35% self-consumption, which can be increased to 90% with energy management systems (EMS). At $0.35 per kWh for consumption and $0.08 for feed-in, self-producing 3,000 kWh of energy can save $800 per year.

With the Energy Flow Monitor and the Energie Manger, excess energy is identified and devices are prioritized for activation or deactivation. If an energy storage system is used and its charge level drops below the minimum, the necessary power for the storage is treated with the highest priority.

Übersicht des Energieflussmonitor in der Loxone App visualisiert
Statistik des Energieflussmonitors in der Loxone App mit Batterie Speicher
Einzelne Verbraucher im Energieflussmonitor in der Loxone App

See how 90% energy independence at home is possible in the video below:


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