Planning an Electrical Installation

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6 minutes
14. October 2024

A house wiring project is much more complex today than it was when our parents or grandparents built their homes. We need to plan carefully and consider not only our current needs but also what requirements we might have in the future. What should we watch out for, and what should we not underestimate?

“A socket here and here, a chandelier there, two light bulbs in the hallway…” 

In the past, wiring was mainly used for lights and outlets. Today, however, we plan our homes with much more technology in mind. Electric blinds, audio systems, air conditioning—these options require additional cables, making wiring more complex. This also drives up the overall cost.

Once the cables are hidden behind the walls, making future adjustments is nearly impossible without major renovations.

Classic socket wiring

Here are some tips to consider when designing your wiring, ensuring that your dream modern home doesn’t end up with outdated electrical systems.

1) Audio as a Fixed Part of Home Comfort

High-quality home sound systems are no longer just for audiophiles; background music in every room has become a standard feature in modern homes. It’s not just about whether sound will be present, but how comfortable it is, what capabilities it offers, and how well it blends with your decor. If you plan for an audio system from the beginning, it’s easy to integrate it into your wiring project. For instance, you can choose popular options like recessed ceiling speakers, eliminating concerns about speaker placement, running cables, and keeping them dust-free.

Quadral loudspeakers

Is your budget tight right now, and does audio have to wait? That doesn’t mean you have to give up on the possibility of a multi-room system in the future. Just carefully consider which rooms make sense for the sound system, their sizes, and prepare the necessary wiring. You can easily run the cables to the speakers when the time comes. For a room up to 15 m², one ceiling speaker will suffice. In a room up to 20 m², you can add a second speaker. For rooms between 20-40 m², you’ll definitely need two speakers, and for spaces larger than 40 m², be prepared to install four speakers.

And don’t forget to leave space in the cabinet for the amplifier! Nowadays, you don’t need large, energy-consuming racks for amplifiers. There are much more compact solutions available that don’t compromise on sound quality, such as Audioserver.) 

2) Air Conditioning: Straight Away or Afterwards?

With summer temperatures breaking records recently, air conditioning has become a common feature in new homes to combat the unbearable heat. You can either integrate the HVAC system into the home from the beginning or use conventional wall-mounted cooling units.

While it’s possible to add these units later, it’s best to plan for them in advance when designing the wiring. Otherwise, you’ll have to cut a wide groove in the wall for both the cable and the plastic pipe for condensate drainage. Alternatively, you can conceal it in the molding, but that might look out of place in a refined interior.

Tip: You can get a small AC Control Air box for your air conditioner. It discreetly fits inside the unit and adds smart cooling features, including integration with other home technologies.
AC Control Air equipment

3) The Garden Cable Is a Must-Have

Preparing the cable and junction box in the garden during construction will definitely be more enjoyable than digging up your carefully tended garden later or relocating your gnomes from their favorite spot. After all, you never know when you might want an electrically operated pergola, an outdoor sound system, or new lighting options.
It’s better and easier to install extra cable and not use it than to miss out on future possibilities and desires. A wiring project around the house will also be useful for pool technology or automatic irrigation.

4) How To Do The Wiring for Shielding

During construction, budgets are often tight, and homeowners sometimes postpone the purchase of electric blinds or shutters. That’s understandable, but running cables to the windows is crucial when planning your wiring. You’ll need them for both the shade actuators and the integration modules.
Demonstration of automatic shielding
Tip: If you’re considering electric shading, opt for automatic shading. Gone are the days of manually holding down the button; modern shading systems are primarily controlled automatically based on the sun’s position, indoor temperature, weather conditions, and in coordination with active cooling systems like air conditioning.

5) Electric Car Charger? Better Be Prepared

You might think you don’t need a wallbox, but the outlook is clear: the Green Deal is driving a transition to electromobility. Whether the sales ban on internal combustion engines starts in 2035 or a bit later, the reality is that they will eventually be phased out in Europe. If you have a new car now, chances are your next one will be electric. The market will push you in that direction.
Nabíjené auto pomocí Loxone Wallboxu
That’s why it no longer makes sense to skip the charger in a new construction. Subsidies will help with its installation. If you prefer, at least prepare the wiring for the wallbox so you can add the charger later when (and if) you need it. If you’re also considering solar panels, you can take advantage of surplus solar energy for cost-effective charging. Another related point…
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6) Design Your Electrical System to Get The Most Out of PV

Almost everyone building today is at least considering the idea of installing a photovoltaic system. Europe has seen a boom in residential photovoltaics in recent years, as people seek savings and greater independence from the grid amid rising energy prices.

If you decide to invest in photovoltaics, the savings potential and return on investment will depend on your energy management. An intelligent system will help you optimally manage surplus energy (for charging wallboxes, heating water, etc.), efficiently switch between technologies in your home, and serve as your gateway to the spot market if you want to take advantage of dynamic tariffs. In other words, it’s not just the panels on your roof that matter for your savings, but how you manage the energy they produce.
Rooftop PV system
The return on investment in a PV plant is an important factor in its acquisition
Tip: For a seamless integration of your home, photovoltaic system, and wallbox, consider using the Loxone Miniserver placed in your cabinet. Its energy management features can save up to ten percent on operating costs in some projects. You’ll also receive a free mobile app that visualizes energy flows in your home and allows you to set power priorities, among other features.

7) Have Enough Space in The Cabinet

In modern homes, it’s essential to reserve a dedicated technical room for easy access to various systems, such as heating, electrical wiring, and network technology. This room allows you to centralize and efficiently manage all the key technologies in your home.
Miniserver in the rack
When designing and equipping a home switchboard, consider the future, even for spaces like the garage or garden. It’s generally recommended to leave at least a 20% reserve in distribution capacity. This allows you to easily add new technologies, such as rooftop photovoltaics or an electric vehicle charging station, providing you with greater flexibility for future expansion.

Final Tip: Window Contacts in Fittings

Small but smart, window contacts can help automate many features in your home. For instance, modern houses equipped with an intelligent control system (like the Miniserver mentioned earlier) can automatically disable the heating if a window has been open for too long, preventing heat loss in winter. The same principle applies in summer, helping to optimize air conditioning use. Additionally, the shading system knows when a window is open, so the blinds won’t lower. Finally, window contacts also serve an important safety feature.

To avoid having to buy additional contacts that may be visible later, have them integrated into the hardware when the windows are manufactured. This way, you’ll have a hassle-free solution and won’t need to deal with sensors down the line.
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Loxone: Smart Wiring Project Right From The Start

The Loxone smart wiring system eliminates the challenges of traditional wiring. It integrates various technologies into a single control system, making it more convenient and easier to operate than standalone systems. As a result, a single electrician can handle the entire wiring process, eliminating the need to coordinate multiple specialists and different brands of equipment on-site, which can drive up costs.
Loxone - All in one system
You might be surprised to find that the prices of both solutions are comparable. However, while conventional wiring doesn’t fully utilize your home’s potential at that cost, smart wiring offers many more features and options, including easy future expansion. Additionally, it provides a quicker return on investment by helping to reduce energy costs. Plan for a truly smart home, not just a pseudo-smart one.


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