Loxone Explained: Presence Detection Outside
Reading Time
1 minute
12. October 2022
Especially in those warm summer months, we love to spend time outside in the garden or on our terrace. Even outside, you can control the lighting, music and more in an intelligent way - through presence-dependent automation. But there are some challenges to overcome, which we will discuss in this issue of Loxone Explained.
Automate garden, terrace and more
Just like in indoor areas, exact presence detection is also an important basic requirement for all automated processes in outdoor areas. This includes activating lighting or music, stopping the garden irrigation or deactivating the mowing process of a robotic lawnmower, to name a few of those features.
But there is a crucial difference in presence detection outside compared to indoor environments.
For example, it can happen that cats, rabbits or other animals run through the garden or across the terrace, and are then detected by the presence sensor. However, to prevent the lights from turning on in the middle of the night or the music from starting to play, presence detection alone is not enough. This video provides all the answers you need to solve this problem.
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