Energy Management

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Energy ­­Manage­ment

Measure, optimize, save:
Transform the efficiency of buildings

Rethinking energy.

The Miniserver is your intelligent energy manager that makes optimum use of all energy sources in your building. It decides in real time when, where and how much energy – whether electrical, thermal or renewable – is needed in order to achieve maximum benefit. With a view to weather forecasts and dynamic electricity tariffs, the Miniserver ensures the smart distribution of energy, whether for your electric car, battery storage or heating. This allows you to experience sustainable and efficient energy use that is tailored to your individual needs.

App in the energy flow monitor and PV system in the background
44% Energieverbrauch

Buildings account for 44% of energy consumption worldwide

50% Energieverschwendung

around half of it is wasted!

30% Energieeinsparun

with Loxone you can save at least 30% in almost every building

What is Energy ­Management?

The Miniserver …

Icon PV Anlage
… regulates consumers based on the available surplus.
Icon Batteriespeicher
… fills the battery storage when electricity is cheap or free.
Icon Elektroauto
… charges the e-car as cheaply as possible.
Energie Statistiken
… takes into account dynamic electricity prices from the electricity exchange.
Icon Energieeffizient Heizen und Kühlen
… heats & cools rooms sensibly or prepares hot water.


What is Load Management?

The Miniserver …

Icon Schild vor Verbrauchspitzen
… protects against consumption peaks for contracts with 15-minute measurements.
Icon Schutz vor Überlast
… protects the building from power failures due to overload.

Simple. Anytime & Anywhere.

A screenshot of the energy flows and energy meters
Your central, universal control system
You always have your entire building in view. Monitor, analyze and control your consumers conveniently via app or PC. Thanks to the Miniserver-based solution, control, diagnostics and service can also be carried out at any time and from anywhere.

Triple simple
Planning, configuring and automating energy management is easy. For all brands or types of PV systems, inverters or charging stations. With our project planning, Loxone Config and the Loxone App, we make it easy for everyone involved.

The Difference?
The Software

Our hardware is just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, we are primarily a software manufacturer, as 85% of our development work goes into software tools.

Our energy management and the numerous features are only made possible by our software.

The Software Makes It Possible

This is constantly adapted to current requirements and expanded thanks to free updates.

Spot price optimizer module

Spot Price Optimizer

Consumption in favorable hours.

Energy Flow Monitor module

Energy Flow Monitor

Visually appealing monitoring.

Wallboxund Wallbox Manager Baustein

Wallbox & Wallbox Manager

Power always correctly distributed.
Prioritized on request.

Energy Manager Module

Energy Manager

Optimized self-consumption
Use produced energy efficiently.

Load manager module

Load & Peak Load Manager

Protection against power failures due to overload.

Counter modules at a glance

Meter Function Block

Consumers, storage and production at a glance.

Our Hardware

Frontansicht Miniserver


The brain

Fronanicht Loxone Wallbox


Dynamic loading of 1,38kW – 11kW

Frontansicht Loxone Energiezähler Tree

Energy Meter Tree

The easiest meters to integrate.

Frontansict Loxone Power Supply & Backup

Power Supply & Backup

More than just a power supply unit.

Frontansicht Smart Socket Air

Smart Socket Air

The fastest way to integrate consumers.

Fronansicht Zählerinterace IR AIR

Meter Interface IR Air

Record digital meters.

Frontansicht des Loxone Modbus Air und der Modbus Extension

Modbus & Modbus Air

Serial interface for all cases.

Frontansicht Loxone Belimo Tree & Loxone Belimo Air

Belimo Tree & Air

Integration into the HVAC system has never been easier.

Frontansicht der M-Bus Extension

M-Bus Extension

Gas, water or energy meters.

Frontansicht Loxone AC Control Air

AC Control Air

Easily integrate air conditioning systems.

PV system in the background and man with electric car and spot price on cell phone

Charging Solutions for Every Project

Whether smart home, office, warehouse or residential complex, regardless of the construction phase: we offer a wide range of intelligent charging solutions to meet your needs.

Auto in Einfahrt mit Wallbox


Charge the e-car at home in the garage.

Wallbox mit NFC Codetouch Erweiterung

Secured by NFC & code

Activation only after authentication.

Parkplatz mit mehreren Wallboxen


Whether 2 or 20+ wallboxes.

OCPP Server mit Miniserver und Wallbox

Billing with OCPP

Settle loads officially.

Any questions?

What is energy management?
Energy management encompasses the generation, storage, monitoring and efficient use of energy, the optimization of consumption, the use of spot prices, load management and measures for independence from the electricity grid.
What does energy management cost?
For energy management with Loxone, you only need the Miniserver in the first step. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the Miniserver, Miniserver Go or Miniserver Compact. These are available from ≈ 390 € excluding VAT. Depending on the consumers to be controlled, the system is then expanded with interfaces.
What exactly is a spot price?
Variable electricity tariffs. Learn more in this blog post.
Can I implement an emergency power supply with Loxone?
Power Supply & Backup or a battery storage unit that is capable of providing emergency power, for example.
Which wallbox can I integrate into Loxone?
Loxone Tree & Air with Energy Meter Tree or any of 3tan providers – see Library.
How do I integrate my inverter into Loxone?
See Library – open interfaces.
What is the ISO 50001 standard?
With ISO 50001, a company can continuously improve its energy-related performance. This leads to an increase in energy efficiency and optimized energy use. The energy management system is implemented on a voluntary basis; there is no statutory certification requirement. However, certain companies can receive tax benefits and other relief by introducing ISO 50001.
More »
What is the “GEG”?
The Building Energy Act (GEG) came into force at the end of 2020 and introduced a uniform set of regulations for the energy requirements for new and existing buildings. It also regulates the use of renewable energies for heating and cooling. The act aims to promote climate protection through energy-efficient buildings and the increased use of renewable energies.

The Smartest Home & Building Automation

The Miniserver. Everything from a single source.

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