New: Config & App

New: Config & App

Modbus Air With Modbus Air, Modbus RTU-capable devices can now be integrated into any Loxone installation. Without any wiring at all. With version, our latest development can now also be found in the Loxone Config. User administration and access control The...
New: Modbus Air

New: Modbus Air

Features: Easy and wireless integration of Modbus RTU devices via Loxone Air For one Modbus device with up to 253 Modbus sensors or actuators Adjustable baud rate and parity for broad support of Modbus devices – whether you need energy meters, heat pumps, ventilation...
Update: Loxone Audioserver

Update: Loxone Audioserver

The new version of the Loxone Audioserver software comes with the following features: KEEP IN MIND: If your installation combines a Miniserver Compact with an Audioserver, the Config version Beta 1 or higher is required. Realignment of the equalizer...
New: Touch Pure with CO2 Sensor

New: Touch Pure with CO2 Sensor

New: with CO2 sensor The Loxone Touch Pure with CO2 sensor expands the Touch product family. Previously equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor, this new version of the Touch Pure comes with a carbon dioxide sensor. This way, you can monitor the air quality in...