Clever Fit On
Fact Check
Construction year
350 m2
Loxone Partner
The new "Clever Fit On" concept has a smart answer to the challenging energy crisis and the lack of staff. This is a smart fitness studio in Dietenheim, which saves on energy, number of staff and space. Intelligent building management helps to reduce the cost for lighting, heating and ventilation. In addition, the company runs with only two skilled workers during peak times. Everything else works fully automatically - thanks to Loxone.Solution
The intelligent building management system ensures that a decent proportion of the normal building energy costs are now saved. Of which is a great advantage in these uncertain times. All of the gyms functions can be coordinated with each other thanks to Loxone. The lighting, heating and ventilation are all now controlled with Loxone. The automatic lighting ensures, for example, that the light goes on exactly where someone is. This saves energy, including turning off any forgotten lights left on at the end of the day. Thanks to the fully automatic lighting, heating and ventilation, the employees are also relieved of countless manual tasks.In "Clever Fit On" the fitness studio is supervised by two professionals for most of the day. But when left unsupervised, operations are fully automated from midnight to 6am. This saves personnel costs, while the members still have access to the usual equipment at any time they want it. A sophisticated access system and complete camera surveillance, also ensure security in the fitness studio.
We can coordinate all energy-relevant systems such as light, air and heat fully automatically according to our own specifications and also take less frequented times into account.
Riccardo ChristCMO clever fit GmbH