Aktualizacja: Loxone App 12.0 & Audioserver

19. stycznia 2021 in Technologie
Od dzisiaj możesz pobrać bezpłatną aktualizację aplikacji Loxone 12.0 i najnowszą wersję oprogramowania Audioservera. Aktualizacja aplikacji zawiera wiele nowych funkcji, które poprawiają komfort użytkowania. Z kolei aktualizacja oprogramowania dla Audioservera zawiera poprawki błędów, które poprawiają stabilność działania. Wszystkie szczegóły techniczne obu wersji oprogramowania można znaleźć w naszym dzienniku zmian.

Loxone App 12.0


  • Eco Screen: ekran pozostaje jasny tak długo, jak gra muzyka (tylko iOS i Android).
  • Podpowiedzi są wyświetlane w aplikacji w odpowiednim module.
  • Sterowanie oświetleniem: ikony pokazują, jaki nastrój jest powiązany z czujnikiem obecności / ruchu lub z budzikiem.
  • Adres URL wideo można teraz skopiować bezpośrednio w aplikacji.
  • Changelog jest wyświetlany automatycznie, gdy aplikacja zostanie uruchomiona po raz pierwszy po aktualizacji.

Wymagania systemowe:

  • Android w wersji 6 lub nowszej
  • iPhone/iPad z systemem iOS 13 lub nowszym (starsze wersje pozostają w wersji 11.0)
  • AppleWatch z systemem watchOS 6 lub nowszym
  • macOS z systemem OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) do macOS Catalina
Aplikacja Loxone
Changelog App 12


  • Eco-Screen: R12-T721: Screen remains bright, as long as music is playing (iOS & Android only).
  • General: R12-T698: Hint-Texts provided for function blocks via Loxone Config will now be shown in the screens inside those function blocks.
  • Intercom About Screen: You now can copy values like the stream url or such to your clipboard
  • Light-Controller: R12-T699, R12-T756: Icons show if moods are used for presence/motion-detectors or for the alarm clock.


  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1328: Smaller covers on Firefox based browsers
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1453: Wouldn’t add whole playlist to queue when playing a single item from a playlist
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1403: Prevent to add anything then local items to a local Playlist
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1440: occasional stuck on Audio Player
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1446: To strict Spotify cache, Unfollowed items may still be visible in the app
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1444: Did overlay texts for a short time when opening the Spotify screen
  • Audioserver: Don’t navigate back when unfollowing a Spotify Playlist
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1428: Last favorite could be deleted from the app
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1431: Additional logging for favorite loading issue
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1427: Delete Spotify with special characters in username may not delete it
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1372: Could play items when editing a playlist
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1379: Couldn’t add a playlist when previously removed a playlist from another type (Local/Spotify)
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1369: Did navigate out of the audioplayer when choosing not to use spotify
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1380: Did show %20 instead of space character in the EcoPlayer and Queue Screen in the parent name
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1370: Couldn’t delete playlist entries after adding music
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1364: Favorite edit button did hide
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1366: Removed nonsense command on startup
  • Audioserver: AUDIO1-I1387: Corrupt UI when having a lot of players in the Volume overlay on Safari based browsers
  • Audioserver: Favorites stuck in „Loading…” after rebooting the Audioserver
  • Intercom: BG-I6972: Will now use the default selected audio route instead of the loud speaker
  • Intercom: BG-I7106: Detect the used Microphone eg. when in a phone call when starting a SIP call to show a proper error message
  • Intercom: BG-I6574: Error button was not clickable on SD
  • Intercom: BG-I7779: Microphone and speaker settings weren’t saved on back navigation
  • Intercom: BG-I8169: SIP connection may not be terminated correctly when closing the screen quickly after establishing a connection
  • NfcCodeTouch: BG-I7923: Reworked brute force error message
  • NfcCodeTouch: R12-I25: History won’t update until the control is closed and reopened.
  • NfcCodeTouch: BG-I7613: History won’t show declined entry attempts properly (showing -1 via N/A) instead of declined.
  • Systemstate: BG-I7213: Screen flickers after resuming from background, especially when showing the message history.
  • Systemstate: BG-I8763: Entries dated at yesterday after 23:30 are listed as Today
  • Systemstate: BG-I6520: Adopted text for update device message
  • Systemstate: R12-I116: confirmed messages at controls are no longer visible
  • Systemstate: BG-I7681: Border was shown in room and category screen with no text
  • Systemstate: BG-I5734: Missing installation place makes it hard to track down affected devices.
  • Connection: BG-I9143: Cancelling an connection attempt causes issue with „null of..”
  • Connection: BG-I6743: No feedback when trying to access a miniserver without the right to visualisation.
  • Connection: BG-I8053: Miniserver unregistered popup is annoying when on a construction site, there should be an option to ignore it.
  • Connection: BG-I8532: Cannot connect to MS when there is a different MS in the network with the same IP.
  • Connection: After a Miniserver Update remote connect won’t work anymore.
  • Miniserver Search: BG-I3428: Network aware Miniserver search will inform the user about lost network connection
  • Eco-Screen: BG-I9153: Unable to dismiss eco screen, especially when connection was closed (e.g. due to user management changes).
  • Eco-Screen: Errorous behaviour when clicking/selecting the area left of the time to hide the EcoScreen if no Weather Service is subscribed to
  • Eco-Screen: Time was not centered if no Weather Service is subscribed to
  • Eco-Screen: BG-I8470: Bell notifications at the eco screen from a not connected miniserver shows the name of the belling miniserver
  • Eco-Screen: Eco-Screen will appear even though a button is pressed (for a long time)
  • App menu: BG-I8698: Correct animation type and presentation style at user screen
  • App menu: Fixed connected miniserver name cropped
  • App menu: BG-I9110: Did blink if subscribed to Weather Service
  • General: BG-I6374, BG-I8583, BG-I7771: In some cases the app didn’t response after logging or app update
  • General: BG-I5213: Occasionally controls like the IRC show the default category icon instead of the state icon.
  • General: BG-I9138: Cannot open e.g. a tracker when a hint text is configured for the alarm block
  • General: R12-I208: Screen scrollable even though there is enough space.
  • General: R12-I176: Buttons too small, hard to hit.
  • General: R12-I201: Switches too small, hard to hit.
  • General: R12-T698: Hint-Text overlays other windows in system-scheme.
  • General: R12-T698: Text not properly truncated, overlaying content below the hint text if too long.
  • General: R12-T698: View jumps when opening up a control with a hint text in it.
  • ExpertMode: BG-I7682: Content was flickering after selection
  • ExpertMode: Simple ui button had no function
  • UserManagement: BG-I8749: change password screen showed multiple empty lines
  • UserManagement: BG-I9151: Did log user off without any notice if app was inactive and while the user has been modified
  • UserManagement: BG-I7786: password disappeared, when password includes special character
  • Musicserver: BG-I9148: Didn’t show lower content on mixed content views (Browsable and Playable content, e.g: Radio browsing)
  • Musicserver: BG-I9062: Removed Coverflow function from Player to prevent automatically switching to the next item
  • Device-Pairing: BG-I8047: Default icon shown in wrong color (black) and too large.
  • Device-Pairing: BG-I8632: Endless waiting popup after clicking on a valve
  • Remote: R12-I204: When turning off there is no waiting indicator, while it is still in progress.
  • OperatingTimes: BG-I5390: Error-Popup shown when opening the operating times.
  • Statistics: BG-I4062: Statistics may be out of bounds
  • Statistic: BG-I8752: Bars not exceeding the maximum are shown orange as if they would.
  • DimmerControl: BG-I7316: Dimmer control couldn’t handle value less than 1
  • PoolController: BG-I7708: Target temperature did ignore decimal place
  • System-Scheme: BG-I7823: App freeze when loading image was cancelled.
  • Battery monitor: BG-I6906: Text for changing battery at low energy level removed (Touch & Grill)
  • Central: BG-I7502: State does not update properly, e.g. when dis-/enabling the automatic mode of a jalousie on another device.
  • UpdateProcess: BG-I9156: Some release users did receive alpha updates
  • Window-Monitor: BG-I4559: Naming of location not consistent (installation place).
  • AboutScreens/ Partner Branding: Did squash images
  • Weather: BG-I8748: Ad on the left top remains visible after clicking through the ad and hitting „not needed atm”
  • Debuglog: Won’t hide on shake anymore
  • InfoScreen: BG-I5779: Garbage collect already viewed features to not fill up the storage
  • Touch & Grill: BG-I7739: Rename input was to narrow
  • Biometric ID: BG-I9181: Fixed multiple Biometric ID authentications of Automatic Designer and automatic Biometric ID deactivation
  • Light-Controller: BG-I6500: Click animation overlays cell content in light-control mood list (in details)

Platform specific

  • iOS: R12-I200: Quick actions are syncing to Apple Watch at app start
  • iOS: R12-I53: App won’t respond after being brought back from the background on iOS occasionally
  • iOS: InfoScreen does not show on iOS devices
  • Android Push: BG-I2815, BG-I7216: App respects Android DND mode and won’t wake up the device or play any sound
  • macOS: BG-I4721: Extended the Application menus to also include the Window Menu
  • macOS: Window did not respect corner radius on macOS Big Sur
  • Windows: Couldn’t resize window
  • Windows: BG-I6284: Occasional White application icon after initial start
  • Desktop Apps: Removed untranslated text from presence detection menu
  • Firefox: BG-I7848: Won’t show scrollbars anymore


    • Android devices running 6 or later
    • iPhone/iPad running iOS 13 or later (older versions stay on version 11.0)
    • AppleWatch running watchOS 6 or later
    • macOS running Version OS X El Capitan (OS X 10.11) up to macOS Catalina.

Loxone Audioserver

Aktualizacja oprogramowania dla Audioservera zawiera poprawki błędów, które poprawiają jego stabilność. Wszystkie szczegóły techniczne dotyczące tej wersji oprogramowania można znaleźć w naszym changelogu.

Aktualizacji możesz dokonać łatwo i wygodnie w aplikacji Loxone lub w interfejsie internetowym Audioservera.

Aktualizacja offline: 

Jeśli nie posiadasz aktywnego połączenia internetowego dla swojego Audioservera, możesz zaimportować plik UDP przez udostępnianie w sieci. W systemie Windows można uzyskać dostęp do tej struktury folderów, wprowadzając adres IP lub nazwę hosta na pasku Windows Explorer przy użyciu następującego formatu:

\\IP-Audioserver lub \\hostname

Następnie skopiuj plik do folderu „Updates”. Wkrótce po tym aktualizacja zostanie zainstalowana automatycznie. Audioserver uruchomi się ponownie i uruchomi nową wersję.


Changelog Audioserver


  • MAX Volume for AirPlay Zones
  • Volume Offset for AirPlay Zones
  • Library scanning with more logdetails
  • Extended Techreport


  • fixed AirPlay Configuration setup for AMP1 as stereo zone and AMP2 as two downmixes
  • fixed DHCP lease time renew handling
  •  AirPlay VolumeMix: fixed volumelevels when using AMP1 as downmix zones and AMP2 as stereozones (and vice versa)
  • AirPlay naming: remove unused Outputs from Config, don’t announce AirPlay for them
  • AirPlay naming: check and change names when jumping from non AirPlay to AirPlay release after Update/Boot
  • AirPlay and output-change: force reload of AirPlay outputs when changing Speakertypes from AMP